Sunday 28 August 2016

Dobry Den, Hello, Crap Where Am I?

It's almost one year since I moved back to the USA. Feelings? Sadness, depression, excitement, wonder. The first few weeks were the hardest. I left most of my friends back in Prague (although I have so many great friends here in California), I left the life I made with so many people to move back to California to get my real estate license and join the family business. Did I forget to mention I brought my then English boyfriend (now husband) with me? Ok, so not too bad. 

Life is different here and I forgot. The last few years have been life changing. I figured out who I am and who I want to be--finally. But no one tells you how you're going to feel after moving back to America after almost 3 years. It wasn't like life was easy in Prague, far from it. It was tough and that's why I enjoyed it so much. I was a silly little American trying to make my way and earn some money in a foreign country where I knew none of the language. By the time I left I could have little conversations with the people at the grocery store and order some pivo/vodka/tequila soda, dekuji most. But in the beginning, I was pretty lost for the most part, thank god I have the: "knowing where I am all the time, can't get lost" genes. Most people can't do what I did. Pick a random place on the world map, without friends to meet there, barely any money in my account, kind of a job and no apartment. I think that changes a person. Try living in a hostel while working for a month. I think I'd do it differently next time LOL. 

Anyway, I had the best life. Yes, I screwed around like any 20 something. Yes, my parents had to wire me money because I spent it on things I probably shouldn't have. Yes, I would go to work without sleep. Do I regret any of it? No way. I really grew as a person, I did my year of not working out and eating crap and drinking every day. After that first year, I reevaluated and decided to get a good teaching job and get healthy again. The last year and a half I was in Prague was the best. I made the most amazing friends, went on the crazy adventures and found the love of my life. Who knew it was pretty easy to find a husband in Prague heheehhehehe. Jokes. 

Something came to me in 2015 when Steve and I decided we wanted to move. Where? Meh I didn't care as long as I could teach English somewhere and he could be a bartender or something of the sort. Our first thought was Vietnam/Somewhere around there. We were extremely close to moving there until I decided I'm a weather wimp when it comes to humidity and hot weather. Crazy talk I know. Steve and I talked and decided it was time to become "adults" (whatever that means). My courses to take my real estate license exam were purchased and I had started studying. Steve had said he wanted actually use his engineering degree, I guess 3 years out of Uni will do that to you. So it was settled. The Hill's would be moving back to Cali Cali where we would get married and live happily ever after.


That's what she said. 

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